Et af fremtidens virkelige problemer er aftagende befolkning i verden som helhed og i særdeleshed i udvalgte lande.
Economist har i denne artikel: Russia’s population nightmare is going to get even worse, (bag betalingsmur) gennemgået den russiske befolkningssituation, som allerede inden Ukraine krigen var dyster, som det ses i denne figur fra UN-POP:

Men med krigen i Ukraine er udsigten til et befolkningsfald yderligere forstærket. Her er et ChatGPT resume af Economists artikel.
Russia is facing a significant population decline and demographic crisis, worsened by the war in Ukraine. In the past three years, Russia has lost around 2 million more people than usual due to war, disease, and emigration. Male life expectancy has dropped by nearly five years, and the number of births has reached historic lows. The war has resulted in the deaths of Russian soldiers and the flight of educated individuals, further exacerbating the demographic challenges. Russia’s population has been declining since 1994, and if current trends continue, it could decrease to 120 million in 50 years. The decline in population is associated with increased misery and lower life expectancies. Additionally, Russia’s loss of well-educated young people is eroding its advantage in education. The demographic decline is making Russia a smaller, less-educated, and poorer country, prompting young people to leave and contributing to a skewed sex ratio. The article suggests that the demographic decline may have long-term negative consequences for Russia’s future.
Her ses de seneste tal i figuren fra Economist:

Som den meste anden nød og elendighed er denne ulykkelige situation fremkaldt af elendige politiske beslutninger. Gid den russiske befolkning må vælge nogle ledere, der vil leve i fred med os andre.