Hvis man kun baserede sin viden på medier og politikere skulle man tro, at vi mennesker lever i den værste af alle verdener og at det kun kan blive endnu værre.
Sådan er det heldigvis ikke. Tværtimod. Vi mennesker har aldrig haft det bedre målt på alle tænkelige indikatorer.
Som årets julegave til mine læsere vil jeg pege på en meget positiv mulighed, idet den hastige udvikling af den kunstige intelligens giver mulighederne for at menneskenes vilkår og plads til naturen kan forbedres endnu hurtigere.
I denne artikel fra Faster beskrives et gennembrud for AI’s evne til matematisk forskning. Og endvidere at der nu er gode muligheder for at vi kan opnå eksplosiv vækst, hvilket blive til stor gavn for os alle:

Her er et ChatGPT 4 resume af artiklen:
The article discusses the potential of generative AI (GenAI) in boosting productivity and driving significant breakthroughs in various fields, including mathematics and science. Key points include:

- Productivity Growth and AI’s Role: The article starts by highlighting the stagnation in US productivity growth over the past 50 years and suggests that GenAI could play a crucial role in reversing this trend.
- Impact on Workforce Productivity: A study by Stanford and MIT found that GenAI tools, like chatbots, increased productivity by 14% among customer support agents, with a more pronounced effect (35% increase) among novice and low-skilled workers.
- Potential for Wider Economic Impact: Economist Erik Brynjolfsson, involved in the study, predicts a doubling of productivity growth in the next decade due to GenAI, comparing its impact to that of historical general-purpose technologies like electricity and early computers.
- Scenario of Explosive Growth with AI: The article posits an even more optimistic scenario where AI not only doubles productivity growth but also leads to “explosive growth”. This is based on AI’s potential to function like billions of researchers, continuously improving and driving economic growth.
- Real-World Examples of AI Breakthroughs: Several recent headlines are cited to demonstrate AI’s burgeoning role in various fields, such as creating new materials, discovering drugs, programming biology, and controlling nuclear fusion.
- DeepMind’s FunSearch: A significant example of AI’s potential is Google DeepMind’s FunSearch, a system that pairs a pre-trained language model with an automated evaluator to iteratively develop new solutions in mathematics and computer science. FunSearch has made new discoveries in the cap set problem and bin-packing problem, showing the practical usefulness of AI in scientific research.
- FunSearch and the Cap Set Problem: FunSearch was tested on the cap set problem, a mathematical challenge related to the card game Set. It improved the lower bound for a specific case, demonstrating the first instance where a language model-based system exceeded the existing knowledge in mathematics.
- Future Prospects: The article concludes with optimism about GenAI’s potential to drive significant advancements across various scientific fields, as indicated by the success of models like FunSearch and the growing interest in leveraging large language models for complex problem-solving.
Overall, the article emphasizes the transformative potential of GenAI in enhancing productivity, solving complex problems, and possibly leading to a new era of scientific and technological advancements.
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Til slut en hilsen fra os alle inklusive fru Inge, som har det rigtig godt, og som elsker at vinterbade – i Thailand,